Liliane Malemo
Passionate about all things creative that requires, making restoring and transforming. I am fortunate to have over 15 years of experience in the field of textile design, years during which I have had the opportunity to develop my brand and style as well as becoming more versatile in my work.
I am a graduate from The London College of Fashion with a bachelor degree in Surface Design Technology. (Covering Art and Design and Fashion Textile)
I am passionate about craftsmanship in all areas especially the Art and Fashion industry.
An old soul and lover of thrift, flee market and vintage stores, with a slight obsession with dried flowers.
Aenean sit amet nibh bibendum, dapibus augue at, porta mauris. Nulla odio ipsum, interdum eu nisi elementum, pretium aliquam leo. Cras porttitor quam ac varius pulvinar. Quisque ligula est, scelerisque vitae nibh sit amet, placerat convallis arcu.
Aenean sit amet nibh bibendum, dapibus augue at, porta mauris. Nulla odio ipsum, interdum eu nisi elementum, pretium aliquam leo. Cras porttitor quam ac varius pulvinar. Quisque ligula est, scelerisque vitae nibh sit amet, placerat convallis arcu.
Aenean sit amet nibh bibendum, dapibus augue at, porta mauris. Nulla odio ipsum, interdum eu nisi elementum, pretium aliquam leo. Cras porttitor quam ac varius pulvinar. Quisque ligula est, scelerisque vitae nibh sit amet, placerat convallis arcu.
My journey
Beauty In The Eyes Of The Beholder
Inspired and influenced by various things, my work is a reflexion of those many things discovered and places I have visited. It’s my expression of Beauty seen through my lens
Brand’s roots
‘The place where something begins, where it springs into being.’
Unconventional Wedding
An international weekend around ethical fashion, ethnic solidarity, lifestyle, beauty and arts.
Fashion & Food
Salon Du
The international chocolate industry trade show featuring gowns made of chocolate
Fashion & Theater
Avignon Festival
Arts & performance festival held in the French city of Avignon
Simply and Flawlessly Constructed Garments...
Using vintage and designer dead-stock fabrics, mainly made of natural fibers with a preference for linen known for it's various virtues
The garments are in limited editions and can be reversible or made to fit multiple sizes. .
textiles which is a living material, is getting older. If they are allowed to age for a year or two the fibers naturally tighten up and the charm of the fabric increases... '.
Donec vel laoreet enim. Etiam nec ipsum erat. Sed eu venenatis nunc, ac suscipit diam. Phasellus sit amet volutpat nunc. Morbi sit amet dignissim metus.